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RILEY Men of Clifton Montana by Susan Fisher-Davis FINAL (1) Page 3
RILEY Men of Clifton Montana by Susan Fisher-Davis FINAL (1) Read online
Page 3
“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you, Katie. You’ve uh…changed.” Riley stumbled over the words while his knuckles turned white.
“I grew up…” Kaitlyn started to say.
Unintentionally, Riley blew out a laugh. “You certainly did.” Shifting his gaze to her, he grinned. “You grew into a beautiful woman, Kaitlyn.”
“Thank you,” she mumbled, staring straight ahead through the windshield.
“What happened to your husband?” Riley was never one to mince words.
“I told you…he’s dead.”
“How?” Turning toward her, he laid his arm along the top of the seat, and leaned back against the door. He knew he’d pissed her off by the look on her face and he tried not to smile.
“In a car accident.”
“When?” Tipping his head down, he hid his grin when she glared at him.
“Are you writing a book, Riley?” she asked through clenched teeth.
Riley shook his head. “Nope. Just making conversation is all.”
“Well, make it about something else.”
“Touchy subject, huh?” Grinning, he watched her fold her arms across her chest. Then he sobered as he stared at her chest. The woman could certainly fill out a T-shirt. Stacked was the word that first came to mind. What had once been a tall, gawky teenager was now a tall, built like a brick shithouse, gorgeous woman. He wanted to reach out and touch her soft looking hair. He liked how it flowed past her shoulders.
“Do you curl your hair?”
She turned in the seat to stare at him as if he’d just asked the dumbest question ever. Perhaps he had, but his filter seemed to be off around her. “Yes. Why?”
Riley shrugged. “I thought maybe you did since Sam’s hair is straight and if I remember correctly, yours was straight way back when too.” He was about to say more but thankfully, he was prevented from making a bigger fool of himself because he saw the tow truck coming up behind them. Shifting to open his door, he glanced back, and then to Kaitlyn. “Tow truck’s here. Stay here where it’s cool. I’ll take care of it.”
Moving to stand by her vehicle, he waited as the tow truck pulled in front of it and backed up. The driver jumped down from the cab and headed toward him, then came to a halt when his eyes landed on Riley.
“Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.” The driver strolled toward him.
Riley narrowed his eyes taking in the man’s appearance. “Chuck? Chuck Sampson?”
“Yep…in the flesh. Have I changed so much that you don’t recognize me, Madison?”
Had the man changed? Hell yes, he’d changed. The man before him was about fifty pounds overweight with thinning blond hair. His fat cheeks looked like he was storing nuts in preparation for the winter. Years ago, Chuck Sampson had had all the young women panting after him. Now, he was probably the one doing the panting just from getting in and out of his tow truck. They’d been friends back then.
“Not at all, Chuck.” Riley couldn’t stop the grin.
Chuck laughed. “It’s good to see you again, man.” He put his hand out to Riley.
Riley put his hand into Chuck’s meaty palm. Shock was all that could describe his reaction when Chuck pulled him into a bear hug. Then he laughed when Chuck lifted him off his feet.
“Put me the hell down,” Riley shouted still chuckling. Chuck dropped him to his feet. They do build ‘em strong in Montana.
Shaking her head, Kaitlyn sat in the truck watching the exchange. Men. They stood there talking like old home week while her plants and flowers were wilting in the back of her vehicle. Opening the door, she hopped out and stalked toward them.
“I hate to interrupt this lovely reunion but I have plants in my vehicle, and I need to get them to my customers.” Placing her hands on her hips, she glared at the two men.
Turning to face her, Riley frowned at her. “How do you plan on delivering them when your vehicle isn’t running?”
Kaitlyn shuffled her feet. “Well, I was hoping you…” She stopped when Riley started shaking his head. “What?”
“I can’t. I have things to do.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Kaitlyn challenged.
Riley’s lips flattened as he glared at her. “Things.”
Snorting, she recognized that as a typical male response to a request for help. “It won’t take more than an hour or two.” When he started shaking his head again, she pleaded. “I don’t have any other way, Riley.”
“Call your brother,” he growled.
Kaitlyn gasped. “Fine. I will.”
Retrieving her purse, she took her cell phone out. While glaring at Riley, she called her brother. After explaining what happened, she hung up. “He’ll meet me at the garage.” She turned to Chuck, who’d been watching the two of them argue. “If you could work on this as soon as possible, Chuck, I’d really appreciate it.” Smiling at the big man, she watched him blush as he nodded. Some men knew how to respond to a woman.
“I’ll have it for you before I close today, Katie.” He promised with a nod.
Kaitlyn glared at Riley. “Thank you for stopping. I’ll ride back with Chuck.”
“Uh, I don’t have air conditioning, Katie. You’d be more comfortable with Riley,” Chuck informed her.
“I seriously doubt it,” she muttered, as she strolled around the big truck and opened the passenger door. Probably not looking very graceful, she had to climb up into the cab but once inside, she put the seatbelt on and waited for Chuck to load her car. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Riley staring up at her through the open window from beside the truck.
“I can take you back to town, Katie,” he said to her, shifting his hat back off his forehead.
Kaitlyn gazed down at him. Damn! Those eyes were so beautiful. “No, thank you. Go do your…things.”
Turning away from him with a huff, she phoned her shop, asked Madilyn to call the customers about her incident, and to let them know the orders would be there soon. In the side mirror, she watched Riley striding away muttering under his breath. Kaitlyn grinned as she watched him walking back to his truck then couldn’t contain a sigh when she gazed at his butt. Yep, those jeans looked as if they’d been specially made just for him. They cupped his butt just right. Chuckling, she remembered what a friend loved to say—cowboy butts drive me nuts. His looked amazing even in plain old jeans, no designer label, although with his money he could afford the designer labels.
The sound of the truck door opening jerked Kaitlyn from her musings. Chuck pulled himself into the cab, smiled at her, and steered the truck and its tow onto the road.
Damn hardheaded woman. Riley grumbled all the way to town. She could’ve ridden with him. Yes, he did have things to do, such as finding a place to stay while he was here. Driving through, he glanced around the town taking in the crowds. He realized that might be more difficult than he thought. If the B and B brought this many people in, it must be a hell of place.
Parking in the lot of the diner, he climbed from the truck only to have the heat slam into him. His thoughts went to Katie sitting in the front seat of a hot tow truck and he shook his head. She was one stubborn woman…just like her brother. Opening the door to the diner, he stepped inside and sighed at the feel of the air conditioning on his hot skin. The patrons filling every available seat seemed to go quiet as he stood there glancing around for a place to sit. The thought of going somewhere else had just crossed his mind, when Riley saw a hand go up in the back and a familiar face smiled at him. Grinning, he wove his way passed tables and servers toward the booth in the back. He smiled as Jake Stone stood and put his hand out to him. Riley shook it.
“Hey, Jake. It’s great to see you again.”
“I heard you were back. You can’t keep a secret in this town.” Jake grinned.
“So, what you’re saying is that nothing’s changed?” Riley laughed and glanced to the
booth where he saw Becca Stone smiling up at him.
“You remember my wife, Becca?” Jake asked him.
Becca started to slide out of the booth but Riley held his hand up. “Of course, I remember Becca. I never forget a beautiful woman.” Giving her a wink and making her laugh, he waved her back. “Don’t get up. I’ll slide in beside you.”
“The hell you will, you can sit on the other side, Madison. I’ll sit by my wife,” Jake growled as Becca slid over.
Riley burst out laughing. “No way. You just sit over there across from us.” Sliding in next to Becca, he grinned at her. “Unless you have a problem with me sitting here, Becca.”
Becca laughed. “None at all. Why wouldn’t I want a gorgeous man to sit next to me?”
Glancing over to Jake, he raised an eyebrow at him. “See? Your wife thinks I’m gorgeous.”
“Fuck you, Madison.” Becca and Riley burst out laughing while Jake clenched his jaw.
“You know I love you, Stone,” Becca told her husband.
“She calls you Stone?” Riley laughed. “You didn’t tell me that.”
Jake nodded. “From the day we met.”
They ordered lunch and each told Becca stories of the childhood they’d had together. Jake’s brothers, Gabe and Wyatt were part of the group, along with Ryder Wolfe, Brody Morgan, Trick Dillon, and Sam Garrett.
“I bet you boys raised some real hell, didn’t you?” Becca asked.
Riley and Jake glanced at each other and laughed. “You could say that. I’ll tell you all about some of the good stuff sometime,” Riley told her.
They’d finished eating so Jake paid the tab, and slid out of the booth. “I’ll tell her. You back the hell off.”
“I hope I get a chance to see you both again before I leave,” Riley said with a grin.
Jake grinned back. “We do too, Riley.”
Becca laughed. “You should stay in Clifton, Riley. Love seems to be contagious the way it’s going around.”
“Oh, no thanks…I’m not looking for that.”
“You think any of us were?” Jake laughed as he looked at his wife.
Sliding out, Riley moved to allow Becca out of the booth. As she reached the edge, he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it before pulling her to her feet making her blush at the action. Riley heard Jake grumble something before taking her arm to lead her through the diner, stopping occasionally to speak with someone here and there. Riley followed them. Several people recognized him, stopping him also. It was good to be back. Living here wouldn’t be so bad, if the bad memories would just go away. Once they stepped outside, Jake asked Riley about staying at the old man’s ranch.
“No. It’s just so rundown that it’s just not possible right now. I’ll get a room in a motel.”
“There may be a cabin you can have at the B and B,” Becca told him.
“I thought with all these people, you’d be full,” Riley said.
“There was a last minute cancellation and if it hasn’t been taken yet, you’re more than welcome to it.”
Riley smiled. “Great, I’ll take it if it’s available.” He watched as she pulled out her cell phone and called someone about it. A few minutes later, Becca returned the phone to her pocket.
“It’s still available so it’s yours. They’ll get it ready for you. Ask for Trisha. Do you know where the place is?”
“Hattie’s old place right? I heard all about it.” Riley hugged Becca and shook Jake’s hand. “I really appreciate this. What do I owe you for it?”
Becca shook her head so Jake told him, “Nothing. Welcome home, Riley.” Then he led Becca away, his arm around her possessively.
Watching the couple move away along the sidewalk, he decided Jake Stone was one lucky man. Becca was not only stunning but she was also a very giving person. Riley strode to his truck and headed for the Clifton Bed and Breakfast.
Chapter Three
Riley drove his truck up to the front of the huge white house and parked. Despite the heat of the day, people sat on the porch steps and in the rocking chairs lining the porch. Putting his fingers to his hat in greeting, he strolled through the entrance. A very attractive woman with different shades of blonde hair stood at the counter, smiling at him. Grinning, he strolled toward the counter.
“Hi. I’m looking for Trisha.” Riley smiled.
“I’m Trisha. You must be Riley. Becca told me to expect you.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Trisha. The cabin is clean and ready for you.” She handed him a key. “It’s number twelve. I think you’ll like it. It’s the only one that sits back alone on the wooded side of the property.” She smiled at him.
Riley grinned back. She was beautiful and he was about to ask her if she’d like to help him find it but then he glanced down, and noticed the huge diamond ring sitting next to a wedding band on her left ring finger. Riley frowned. It figured. Turning to head out, he stopped when he heard his name called. He turned to see Kelsey Wolfe entering the foyer from the hallway. When they met in the middle of the lobby, he gave her a hug.
“What are you doing here, Kelsey?”
“I was heading home and decided to stop in to see Evelyn. What brings you to the B and B?” Kelsey was a beautiful blonde married to one of his best friends, Ryder Wolfe, and the only reason he’d come to town the year before.
“Becca has a cabin I can stay in. How does Ryder like married life?”
Nodding toward the door, Kelsey laughed. “You can ask him yourself.”
Turning to face the doorway, he grinned. The big man coming through the door saw him and laughed. They shook hands and patted each other on the shoulder, as men tend to do when they greet good friends.
“Damn, it’s good to see you again, Riley.”
“Same here, Ryder.” Riley grinned, pleased to see his old friend. Ryder Wolfe owned a lucrative ranch, breeding, and selling registered Paint horses.
“I brought a horse over for trail rides. I didn’t even know Kelsey was here.” Ryder smiled at his wife.
“You know you lucked out with this one, don’t you?” Riley remarked as he turned toward Kelsey. “It’s really good to see you again, Kelsey.”
He and his friends had always competed for the same girls—with Sam, Trick, or Wyatt winning most of the time. Ryder put his hand out for Kelsey. She walked to him and put her arm around his waist.
Riley narrowed his eyes at him but looked at Kelsey, and put his hand out to her. When she placed her hand in his, he kissed the back of it just as he had with Becca. He noticed Kelsey blushing. He chuckled when he heard Ryder muttering under his breath.
“It’s good to see you again too, Riley.” Kelsey laughed.
“Get away from my wife, Madison,” Ryder growled.
“This isn’t going to be a pissing contest, is it?” Kelsey asked them, placing her hands on her hips.
Both men burst out laughing. “I like her,” Riley said giving a nod to Ryder.
“I do too,” Ryder said as he hugged Kelsey.
Riley shook his head feeling somewhat envious of his friends and their happiness. “I saw Sam earlier and he told me he’s the only single one left in the group, besides me that is.”
Kelsey laughed. “Yes, I guess that’s so, and all the single women in town are after our sexy sheriff.” She smiled. “And even some who aren’t single.”
“Sexy sheriff? Sam?” Ryder gave her a mock glare.
Kelsey giggled. “Sam’s downright gorgeous but don’t worry, hon. I won’t run off with him...” She grinned up at her husband. “After all, he hasn’t asked me yet.” She squealed when Ryder grabbed her around the waist.
“See what a smart-ass I’m married to, Riley?”
“Seems to me you got what you deserved.” Riley smiled at them.
Ryder kissed Kelsey’s temple. “I’m not sure I deserve her, but I’ll keep her.”
Riley laughed at their
playfulness. He’d never admit it but watching them made his heart ache a bit. “Sam told me about Kaylee. I bet Trick can’t keep the smile off his face.”
“I know. He’s mighty thrilled. We’re all real happy for them. I think Trick will make a great dad.” Ryder smiled at him.
“I’m sure we’ll never hear the end of it,” Riley told him.
Ryder burst out laughing. “I believe you’re right about that.”
“I want to get out there to see them. I’m happy for them.”
“Hell, he’s probably already bought cigars.”
“Do they know what it is yet?”
“Trick told us they don’t want to know because he doesn’t care.”
“I’ll have to give him a rough time about it.” Riley laughed. “I need to get settled. I hope I get to see you both again before I leave.” Riley saluted them and headed out the door.
Driving his truck along the road to the cabin, he was pleasantly surprised when he arrived in front of it. It sat nestled in the woods and as Trisha had said, away from the other cabins. Large pine trees rose above it from behind. He was sure he’d enjoy it a lot more than staying on the ranch. Riley couldn’t understand what happened to the ranch. Why was it so run down? Didn’t the old man take care of it at all once he ran his son off? Riley wondered what happened to the two ranch hands who had worked for Roscoe. Did he run them off too? Riley grunted. It wouldn’t surprise him. No one liked Roscoe…especially his wife and son. Sam’s parents treated Riley better than his own parents had. Of course, he didn’t remember his mother much except the time when Roscoe put her into a car and made her leave. He exhaled. That was something he’d never understood. How a woman could leave her child behind with an abusive man.
Pulling his duffle bag out of the back seat, he walked up the small stone path that led to the porch. A swing hung at one end and two rocking chairs were on the other side. He entered the cabin and gazed around. It consisted of a living room with a large stone fireplace, a kitchenette, and French doors facing the woods behind the cabin. A small hallway led to one bedroom and a small bathroom. The cabin was open and airy. He liked it.