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Sam Men of Clifton, Montana Book 7 Page 4
Sam Men of Clifton, Montana Book 7 Read online
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“I might have one of my men hide out to watch the fence. Funny thing is…it’s always in the same area. Right where his cows are on the hill.”
“I’m not lying about the trailer. You call me one more time about them being on your property and I’ll load them up.”
“I don’t doubt that a bit, Sam.” Trick smiled at him.
Sam chuckled. “I think I’d enjoy it. I’ll talk to you later. Tell Kaylee I said hi, and hug that beautiful daughter of yours for me.”
Trick gave him a salute and backed out of the driveway. Sam turned to Baker.
“Last warning on the cows, Baker. Do. Not. Push me.” Sam walked to his vehicle and climbed in. After glaring at Baker one more time, he backed out keeping the untrustworthy man in his sights then once clear, drove back to town.
The Fourth of July was a hot and humid day and Sam could feel the white T-shirt he wore under his khaki shirt sticking to his back as he worked the crowd. Several people stopped him to talk, and he didn’t mind. It was one of the perks of the job. Wyatt and Olivia Stone stepped in front of him and he grinned. Olivia was very pregnant and Sam knew she was due anytime.
"I heard you arrested Doc Mac last month." Wyatt grinned at him with a mischievous gleam in his eye.
"You know what I’d say to you, Stone, if you didn’t have your wife with you," Sam said, glaring at him.
"Shame on you, Sam," Olivia scolded him, the first finger of one hand pointing at him while the other hand rested on her swollen tummy.
Sam winked at Olivia. "I'd arrest you too, Liv, if you had a warrant out on you." He laughed when she gasped.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'd bail you out." Wyatt burst out laughing when Olivia glared at him.
"I think we need to stop, Wyatt. She looks pissed." Sam laughed. “Must be the hormones.”
Olivia opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. "I hate you both," she muttered before she moved through the crowd, leaving the men chuckling.
Sam laughed as Wyatt ran after Olivia, but then he spotted Tessa and headed toward her. He knew the minute she saw him because she turned and headed in the opposite direction. Sam tried to get through the crowd but it was impossible. When the mayor stepped in front of him, he got the feeling that everyone wanted to chastise him for arresting the veterinarian.
"How could you?" Mayor Dexter Powers asked folding his arms across his barrel chest.
"I was doing what you pay me to do, Dex. Was I supposed to let her drive away? Maybe I should just do that for every person who has a warrant out for his or her arrest. Then you and I will be out of jobs." Sam narrowed his eyes at the man.
"Well, I…I can see your point, Sam. But it was Doc Mac, for God's sake."
"He's right, Dex. Sam was just doing his job," Tessa said from behind the mayor.
Sam raised his eyebrows. "I don't need you to defend me, Doc."
"I wasn’t defending you, Sheriff…just stating a fact." She nodded at the mayor and disappeared through the crowd.
Sam wanted to kick himself. Why hadn't he just kept his mouth shut? He excused himself and headed after her. He caught up with her by Betty Lou and Bobbie Jo's booth.
"I'll take two macadamia nut cookies, please," Sam heard her tell Betty Lou.
Sam stepped up beside her without looking at Tessa. "Same for me, Betty Lou…please."
Betty Lou handed Tessa her two cookies and her change. Tessa turned to go, and he met her eyes then he glared at Betty Lou.
"Today, Betty Lou?" Sam growled making the older woman chuckle.
"What's your hurry, Sam?"
"Forget it," he grumbled and ran after Tessa who had walked away. When he found her, she was sitting on a blanket under a large oak tree. She didn’t even look up at him when he approached.
Blowing out a frustrated breath, Sam squatted down. "Tessa…"
"What?" She still wouldn’t look at him.
Sam swallowed hard. "I didn't mean to jump down your throat. It's just that almost every person in this town has stopped me to chew me a new one about taking you in."
"I know. They've been stopping me to tell me you were wrong to do that," she said chuckling, and trying to hide her smile.
Sam groaned. "I was a prick that day—"
"Yes. You were," Tessa interjected, looking at him with a tilt of her head. "You could have just let me follow you, Sam. Not handcuff me."
"You're right. I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it?"
"That was enough. I believe you." She smiled at him and his heart fluttered in his chest. "Would you like a cookie, since I see you didn't get yours?"
Sam shook his head and huffed. "Betty Lou can be a royal pain in the ass. She deliberately stalled so you could get away."
Tessa tilted her head. "I wasn't trying to get away…"
Sam grinned. "Liar." He laughed when he saw a blush move into her cheeks but then all of a sudden, her face went pale. "Tessa? What's wrong?"
Standing quickly, he glanced around but didn’t see anything amiss. When he looked back at her again, she was taking deep breaths. He crouched down beside her again. "Tessa…what's wrong?"
Tessa shook her head. "I thought I…" She raised faraway eyes at him. "I thought…I was going to be sick."
Sam knew she was lying but he didn’t call her on it. What had she seen? He was about to sit down beside her when a call came over his two-way radio. It was Rick with trouble at the kissing booth. Sam touched her hand and she lifted moist eyes to look at him.
"I'll see you later. Have a good time." Then Sam saw her glance around and her hand trembled beneath his. "Tessa." She looked up at him again. "If you need me, call me on my cell phone…okay?"
He handed her a card with his number on it. She nodded her head as she took the card, but still seemed miles away.
Chapter Three
Tessa left the festival right after the fireworks were over even though she didn’t enjoy them because she had the uncanny feeling of someone watching her. As she walked to her apartment, she constantly glanced over her shoulder wishing she’d asked Sam to walk her home. Hearing footsteps sound in the darkness behind her, she came to a halt, her heart pounding in her ears. Turning around, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw two teenagers walking up behind her. They said hello and moved past her. Tessa jogged the rest of the way to her apartment and up the metal stairs, the sound of her shoes clanging on each riser. After opening the door, she hurried inside and locked it behind her.
Stepping to the window, she looked down on the street. The festival lights blazed nearby but she hadn't felt safe there. Her gaze ran over the crowd but it was impossible to see if Sam was still there. Since it was way after nine, he might have gone home after his shift ended.
A sudden knock on her door startled her and she stood rooted to the floor, staring at the door. Another knock and then she heard Sam's voice. "Tessa? Are you in there?"
There was a pause and silence then she heard him start down the stairs. Knowing it was a bad idea she ran to the door and opened it. She looked down at him as he descended the stairs.
Turning, he tilted his head back and gazed up at her from under the brim of his hat. "I just wanted to see if you were feeling all right," he said.
"I…yes, I am." They stared at each other for what seemed like the longest moment in history, and then Sam nodded.
"Good. I'll, uh…see you." He turned away from her to start down the stairs again.
"Would you like some coffee?" Tessa asked then mentally kicked herself. What are you thinking?
Looking back to her, she saw him grin. "If you're sure you don't mind."
Tessa wasn’t sure of anything other than not wanting to be alone right now. She nodded and stepped back while he trotted up the stairs. When he walked past her and entered the apartment, she closed her eyes as she took in his scent, a wonderful mixture of man and aftershave.
"Please have a seat, Sam. Do you take cream or sugar?"
"I’ll stand, thank you, and black is fine."
Tessa fixed him a cup from her K-cup coffee maker then handed him the cup when it was ready, and watched as he took a sip. Her gaze fixated on his mouth, watching his sexy lips caress the lip of the cup, and then she raised her eyes to look into his. Watching as he set the cup down, her pulse sped up when he stepped toward her. His hand wrapped around the nape of her neck then he leaned toward her and she knew she should stop him but couldn’t move or speak. His lips hovered above hers, his warm breath barely touching hers when she pulled back slightly. She felt him grin against her lips then he closed the distance and softly pressed his lips to hers. She sighed against his mouth. He tasted of coffee and sexy man.
Their breaths mingled when he raised his head but then he lowered his head again, and gently pressed his lips to hers. This time Tessa opened to him. With a masculine groan, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against him, and he kissed her as if he was dying of thirst and she was a cold drink of water. Hesitantly, Tessa allowed her arms to snake up and around his neck. God! The man could kiss. She moaned into his mouth and then he slowly broke the kiss, and lifted his lips from hers.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you?” he asked in a whisper as he leaned his forehead against hers.
She smiled at the question. “How long?”
“Since the day I first set eyes on you.”
“Really? I had the impression you didn’t like me.”
Sam grinned. “I liked you too much but after the look you gave me, I thought it best to walk away.”
Tessa leaned back and ran her hand down his chest to his badge. “I knew you were trouble, Sam Garrett.”
“That’s Sheriff Sam Garrett.”
Tessa laughed. “Anything you say, Sheriff.”
Sam’s eyebrows shot up. “Anything?”
He started to lower his head but the radio on his shoulder decided to choose that particular moment to emit a loud squawk. “Damn it.”
Sam pressed the button and Tessa listened as a voice came across telling him there was trouble at the kissing booth again. He gave a sigh of obvious regret and she saw it in his eyes when he looked at her. “I’m sorry. I have to go. Every year I try to talk them out of having that damn booth.”
“Duty calls, huh?” She laughed even though somewhat relieved that he was leaving.
“Yes, and its times like these, I really wish I wasn’t the sheriff.” He ran his hand over her hair, and she caught herself leaning into the caress. “Goodnight, Tessa. Sleep well.”
When he turned and started toward the door, she heard him mumble. “I know I won’t.”
Without looking back, Sam opened it then closed it behind him. She heard his footsteps on the metal steps as he hurried down them. Frowning, she locked the door and thinking that what just happened had not been a good idea. Letting Sam kiss her was just asking for trouble.
Tessa was living a lie already, now she had lied to him about what had happened at the festival when she’d told him she was feeling sick. She just prayed he never found out why.
Tessa jerked awake, her face wet from tears. She sat up and quickly glanced around her dark bedroom, wrapping her arms around her to stop her shaking. She hadn't had that dream in years. Why now?
Shivering, she got out of the bed and glanced at the clock—one in the morning. Sighing, Tessa put her robe on and headed for the kitchen to warm up some milk. For two years, she’d kept her secret from everyone in town, and now she prayed no one ever found out, especially Sam. Her life before coming to Clifton was the main reason she couldn’t get involved with him or anyone for that matter. She’d thought him attractive from the first moment, but she’d given him a look of dislike that first day because it was the best way to keep him at a distance. She hadn’t lied when she told him she knew he was trouble. Sam Garrett was trouble absolutely, trouble to her heart. The way her heart had hit her stomach the first time she saw him was proof that he’d be far too easy to fall in love with so she kept him away.
So why are you flirting with him? Would it be so bad to flirt with him? Maybe go out with him?
Tessa shook her head. She knew it couldn’t go anywhere, but then again why not enjoy being with the man? A shiver raced over her as she remembered his kisses. Oh yes, Sam Garrett was definitely trouble to her heart.
The microwave rang signally her milk was ready. She took it out and carried the mug back to her bedroom. The past few days had been quiet in the hospital. Most horses didn't have problems giving birth. Since Doc Carter retired, her business had doubled and since deciding to close on the weekends, Tessa got a chance to relax occasionally unless she had an emergency.
Moving to stand by the window, Tessa sighed as she sipped the milk and looked out to the street below. A sheriff’s cruiser drove by slowly, but she knew it wasn’t Sam. He always drove the SUV cruiser. She couldn't get his kiss out of her head. The man knew how to kiss, there was no doubt there, but he scared her. He was so inquisitive, silently questioning, and she wondered how she could keep her secret from him and not have him hate her if he found it out. Lying by omission was still lying.
Shaking her head of the wishes filling it, Tessa felt her eyelids getting heavy. After setting the mug down on the nightstand, she crawled back into bed leaving the bedside light on. After pulling the quilt up to her chin, she fell asleep.
Betty Lou held her hand over her nose and scowled. "You stink, Sam Garrett."
Sam narrowed his eyes and blew out a breath. He and Brody had spent the last two hours trying to round up twelve pigs that had gotten out of the fenced in area on Barton's farm.
"If you were rolling around with pigs you wouldn't smell like a bed of roses either. As soon as Brody gets back from cleaning up, I'm going home to shower."
"Whew. Please do." Betty Lou waved her hand at him and backed out of his office.
Sam chuckled then sat down at the desk and filled out a report sheet for escaping pigs. He was just finishing when Betty Lou hollered at him from the front.
"I'm heading out for lunch."
"Why can't she just use the damn intercom?" Sam grumbled.
"Because I don't like it, and stop swearing," she shouted back, making him chuckle.
The woman could hear a pin drop a mile away but at times, she had selective hearing when he asked questions she didn't want to answer. Sam glanced up when Brody walked in, his hair still damp from his shower.
"Damn, Sam. You stink." Brody grinned at him.
Glaring at his deputy, Sam walked past him and headed for the door. When he reached the door, he looked back over his shoulder. "Just for that smartass remark, I'm done for the day."
Laughing when he heard Brody swear, Sam went out the back door of the station, got into his cruiser, and had to put the window down because of the smell filling the interior. Who knew pigs could smell so bad?
Sam chuckled as he thought of him and Brody running around trying to catch the pigs. Sam had burst out laughing when Brody fell in the mud, but when Sam caught a pig that had apparently rolled in manure, Brody took out his revenge by laughing at him. Jim Barton, the owner, stood next to his truck watching them, telling them he was too old to be running around trying to catch pigs and Sam wondered if it was just an excuse to get them to do the dirty work.
Sam drove down the street then took the road to head home, smiling when he happened to see Tessa's SUV ahead of him. He hadn't talked to her since the kiss they'd shared after the Fourth of July Festival. The kiss that he’d wanted to continue had he not been called back to take care of drunks at the kissing booth. That had been a week ago now, and he’d wanted to talk to her but he wasn't sure what kind of reaction he'd get.
Mentally shrugging, he knew there was only one sure way to find out, so he flipped the lights on to pull her over and grinned as he imagined her reaction as she steered her car over to the side of the road. Pulling up behind her,
he shoved the gear into Park, grabbed his hat, stepped out, and set his Stetson on his head before sauntering toward her vehicle. Sam stopped beside the window. She already had it down and threw him a quick gaze up at him before turning forward again.
"I wasn't speeding…Sheriff," Tessa said staring straight ahead.
Sam laid his arm on the roof of her car and leaned down to look in at her. "I know. I just wanted to see how you were. I haven't seen you since the night of the festival."
"I'm fine, Sam." He loved hearing her say his name. "You, however, need a shower…phew!" Tessa placed her hand over her nose.
Sam chuckled. "Sorry. Jim Barton's pigs got out. Brody and I had to round them up. I'm on my way home now to get cleaned up."
When she gazed up at him, their eyes met and held. He watched as a slow smile lifted her lips. Sam groaned and tapped the top of her car. "I'll let you go, Tessa. Have a good day."
With a grin, he walked back to his vehicle without another word.
Tessa watched Sam in her side view mirror as he sauntered back to his SUV cruiser, not taking her eyes off his tight butt and the way his jeans hugged it. She saw him take his hat off, toss it into the passenger seat then run his fingers through his thick hair, before getting into the vehicle. The man was far too sexy with those blue eyes that could make any woman’s panties melt and those lips…she moaned thinking of his delicious mouth and hard body that made her want to climb it like a tree and kiss everything on the way up. The thought of doing just that thrilled her. Sam Garrett was the most eligible bachelor in Clifton and surrounding towns. Would it kill her to have some fun with the man? Keep it casual.
When Sam's cruiser drove by, she wanted to follow him home and climb into the shower with him. Tessa put her fingers to her lips remembering his kiss, and wished he hadn’t had to leave that night but she knew it had been for the best since just the thought of his sexy mouth against hers made her shiver with desire.
After checking for traffic, she pulled her SUV out onto the hot blacktop and drove to Ryder's ranch. She needed to check on the foal he'd been taking care of and to give the foal the inoculations he required. Sam’s vehicle had long since disappeared from view. She smiled when she thought about him chasing pigs and rounding them up. Tessa laughed aloud at telling him that he needed a shower, but then the laughter died when she thought about him being naked in that shower. Imagining him standing there as the water glided over that tall, hard body, and she imagined every bit of it was hard.