RILEY Men of Clifton Montana by Susan Fisher-Davis FINAL (1) Read online

Page 5

  “It doesn’t look good if the sheriff is at the rowdiest place in town.” Riley lifted his beer to his lips.

  Sam chuckled. “I’m not drinking. I’m more or less here to keep an eye out for trouble.”

  “I see. Don’t you have deputies for that?”

  “Christ, Riley. There are only five of us—two on days, two on nights and me usually in the office.” Sam shrugged. “I help out when I can, but I’m not on duty now.”

  Riley snorted. “In other words, you’re bored at home.”

  Sam laughed. “You nailed it.” Then he narrowed his eyes at Riley. “Stay away from my sister.”

  Riley spun around on the stool. “Hell, Sam. It was just dinner.”

  “See to it that’s all it was,” Sam muttered.

  Staring down at his bottle of beer, Riley was thankful Sam didn’t know he’d kissed Kaitlyn after dinner. Riley had no doubt he’d wake up with a black eye tomorrow morning if he had. When he heard Sam grumble a curse, he swung his head around to look at him, and then shifted his gaze in the direction Sam was staring across the room. Riley saw what he saw and grinned.

  “Who’s that?”

  Shifting on his seat, Sam’s head whipped around. “Who’s who?”

  Riley burst out laughing. “Can’t fool me, Sam Garrett…who is she?” He jerked his head in the direction of the raven-haired beauty Sam couldn’t stop glancing at even as he pretended not to.

  “Doctor Tessa McGuire…Clifton’s newest veterinarian.”

  “Where’s Doc Carter?”

  “He’s slowed down a lot. She’s buying the hospital from him when he retires. She specializes in equine, but of course takes care of all animals,” Sam told him.

  Riley grinned. “And she’s got you by the balls, doesn’t she?”

  Shaking his head, Sam sighed. “It doesn’t matter. Barely speaks to me. I stopped by the hospital the day she moved some of her things in last month—you know, to welcome her to town—and if looks could kill, I would’ve dropped dead on the spot. She and Katie seemed to hit it off right away though.” Sam shrugged. “But she just hates me.”

  “You’re shitting me, right? Big Sam Garrett actually got shot down?” Riley was trying not to laugh.

  “Fuck you, Madison.” Sam glared at his friend, making Riley laugh. Sam chuckled.

  The two friends sat there watching the activity going on around them when two women stepped in front of them and smiled. Riley glanced at Sam, and Sam glanced back.

  “Hello boys…we think you two are the best looking items in this bar.” The blonde one had spoken with a coy smile, while the brunette one beside her bobbed her head in agreement.

  Riley sat up straighter, as did Sam. They smiled at the women.

  “Can we buy you ladies a drink?” Riley motioned to the empty seat beside him.

  The women grinned and sat on the stools on each side of the men. The blonde one was on Sam like white on rice. The brunette one seemed a little shy, but smiled at Riley. They ordered drinks and talked well into the night. Riley noticed Sam still kept glancing toward Tessa. Occasionally, Riley would see her glance around the room and her gaze land on Sam. He suspected there was something there but neither of them was going to make a move. Riley shook his head. Sam never had trouble with women before. Riley chuckled, thinking of Sam not going after what he obviously wanted.

  “What’s funny,” Sam grumbled with a nudge to Riley’s ribs.

  “You and the new animal doc. I’ve never known you not to go after what you want.” Riley grinned, and then laughed when Sam scowled at him.

  “You don’t understand,” Sam muttered then just about jumped a foot off the stool when the girl at his side put her hand on his thigh.

  Riley snorted. “You’re right about that. I sure as hell don’t.”

  Hearing Sam muttering under his breath, Riley laughed as he watched Sam trying to keep the blonde spitfire out of his lap. The shy one at his side gazed up at Riley. Should he take her home? Hell, why not?

  Riley leaned toward her. “You want to get out of here, hon?” When she nodded, he grinned and glanced over at Sam. “We’re leaving. Maybe you should too.”

  Sam shook his head, his gaze traveling back to where Tessa sat across the room. “I’ll hang out a little longer.”

  Riley heard the blonde huff in annoyance.

  “Look, sugar, if you aren’t interested I understand but I can give you an unforgettable night.” Her hand moved to Sam’s crotch and cupped him. “I think you could do the same for me.”

  Riley watched the exchange and raised his eyebrow when Sam looked at him and shook his head.

  “I’m sorry, darlin’ but I have to work tomorrow,” Sam told her.

  “Sam works at the sheriff’s department,” Riley told the woman, and tried not to laugh when Sam glared at him.

  “You do? Are you a deputy? A man in a uniform is so sexy,” she purred running her finger down the front of Sam’s shirt.

  “Sam is actually the Sheriff of Clifton County.” Riley lifted his beer bottle to hide his grin when Sam growled.

  “You’re the Sheriff? Oh, wow. Even sexier.” She ran her hand up Sam’s arm.

  Riley knew he was in for it when Sam got him alone.

  “Yes, I am the Sheriff and I have to be at work in the morning. I’ll walk you out though,” Sam said to her, but narrowed his eyes at Riley.

  Chuckling, Riley looked to the brunette one still standing at his side. “Guess we need to go too.” They followed Sam and the blonde girl out the door.


  Riley woke up with his nose buried in dark brown hair. For a second, he thought it was Katie. Then the female rolled over and smiled at him. Shit! Now he remembered. He smiled at her as he turned from her to find his jeans.

  “You’re not leaving, are you?” She sat up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Her hand inched down. Riley caught her wrist.

  “Yeah, I have to get going.” Turning, he kissed her forehead. “It was great.”

  “It was. When can I see you again?” She nipped his shoulder.

  “I’ll call you.” Christ! Same old line. Riley huffed. “I honestly don’t know. I’m not staying in town long.”

  “Oh.” She pressed her cheek against the back of his shoulder. “I’ll give you my number anyway. We can get together again before you leave.”

  She had better give him her damn name too. “That’s fine.”

  Adding her number to his phone, he stood to zip his jeans then pulled on his T-shirt. After putting on his boots, Riley gazed down at her. She was very pretty but he wasn’t interested. He leaned down, gave her a quick kiss, and found his way out of her apartment. One-night stands were what he lived on because getting married was clearly not in his future. What if he was like his old man…brutalizing and beating his wife and any kids they had. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts away, he knew he would never hurt a woman or child because his memories alone were enough to keep him from doing it, but there were no guarantees. He knew Ryder had always thought the same thing until Kelsey came into his life. Ryder had survived abuse and pushed past it, but he wasn’t Ryder.

  Riley strolled down the sidewalk to his truck. The sun was beating down and even though it was early morning, it was already hot. Clifton was going to see another scorcher today. His truck was as hot as a blast furnace when he climbed. Sliding his sunglasses on, he turned the air conditioning on high, pulled out of the parking lot, and sped toward town.

  Rubbing his jaw, his thoughts turned to what to do with the ranch. Riley was pretty much hell bent on tearing down the house. It was in bad condition and it would take too much investment to fix it up. He’d be better off clearing the land and building a new house. With eleven hundred acres of prime land, he had no doubt it would sell quickly. Nodding his head as if agreeing with his thoughts, he decided that was what he would do. As soon as he got into Clifton, he’d see about renting some equipm
ent. Riley wanted to do a little leveling himself before he called in his construction company.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, he groaned when he saw an SUV sheriff’s cruiser behind him with the lights flashing. Son of a bitch! Had he been speeding? Glancing at the speedometer, he couldn’t tell since he’d already eased off the gas. Damn. Pulling over onto the shoulder, he got his information out.

  “You’re just now heading home?” Sam appeared at his window looking over his shades at him.

  Riley swore. “Yes. I didn’t mean to spend the night.” He glanced over to Sam. “What about you? Did you go home with the blonde?”

  Sam shook his head. “No. But I might call her. She was nice enough.”

  Riley frowned. “I hate the morning after. It’s painful. I don’t like spending the night.”

  “You seeing her again?” Sam tilted his head.

  “No way. Hell, I don’t even know her name.”

  Sam chuckled. “Nice.”

  “I don’t do relationships. She gave me her number, but I won’t call her. I have too much to do before I get out of this hellhole.”

  “You really hate it here that much?”

  “I hate the bad memories, Sam.”

  Sam tapped the top of Riley’s truck. “I can understand that. I’ll see you later.”

  Waiting until Sam drove past before pulling back onto the road, Riley completed the drive into town. Stopping at the feed store, he inquired about renting heavy equipment. If anyone knew where he could get what he needed, someone in the feed store would. It was the hub of the town. After asking around, one of the clerks directed him to Jim Barton, a local pig farmer who happened to be in the store, since he had his own backhoe. Spotting Barton at the back of the store, he walked toward him.

  Putting his hand out as he reached him, Riley greeted him. “Hi, Mr. Barton…I’m not sure you remember—”

  “Of course I remember you, Riley. I’m not that damn old. I heard you were back in town. How are you doing, son?” Jim asked him as he shook his hand.

  Riley nodded. “I’m fine, sir. I’m wondering if I could talk with you about renting your backhoe.”

  “You can talk all you want, but you ain’t renting my backhoe.”

  Riley jerked back. “I see.” He put his fingers to his hat. “Well, thanks anyway. Have a nice day, Mr. Barton.”

  “Now, hold on there, Riley. I said I wouldn’t rent it…didn’t say I wouldn’t let you use it.” He grinned.

  With a nod and a grin, Riley understood the man’s intention. “I couldn’t use it without paying for it, sir.”

  “Then ya sure as hell ain’t gonna use it.” Jim Barton scowled at him.

  Riley ran his hand over his mouth to hide his grin. “Yes, sir, thank you then. I appreciate it.”

  “Come by anytime and get it.” Jim strolled away from him.

  Riley glanced around the room to see everyone smiling at him. Seeing Kaitlyn at the back of the store, he wandered toward her.

  “Hi.” Stopping in front of her, he grinned at her.

  “Hi yourself.” Smiling up at him, she tilted her head to one side. “What’s the backhoe for?”

  “I told you I was going to bulldoze it down.” Riley leaned back against a counter, folded his arms across his chest, and stared down at her.

  Kaitlyn laughed softly. “Obviously, I shouldn’t doubt what you tell me.”

  “I’ll never lie to you, Katie. Never,” Riley said softly.

  Nodding, Kaitlyn met his gaze. “That’s good to know.”

  “Where’s the squirt?”

  “With Madilyn…at the shop. I needed to pick up some soil.”

  Suddenly, straightening up, Riley moved closer to her. “Go out to dinner with me…alone.”

  Kaitlyn stared at him. “I think we both know that’s not a good idea.”

  Riley chuckled. “I think it’s a hell of an idea.”

  Giving up a sigh that didn’t sound encouraging, Kaitlyn stepped forward to move around him but Riley didn’t move. She stared up at him and frowned.

  “Go out to dinner with me.” Riley repeated in a low voice then grinned when Kaitlyn gave another sigh, this one sounding like resignation.

  “No. But I will fix dinner for you. If you’d like,” she told him.

  Riley raised his eyebrows. “Sure. Tonight?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “I want to see you tonight, Katie,” Riley whispered.

  “Tomorrow night. Now move.”

  Riley nodded. “All right. What time?” He stepped away so she could get by.

  “Is six all right with you?” She gave him her address.

  Riley nodded. “Katie?”

  Turning to look over her shoulder, he heard her huff. “Yes?”

  “Don’t think of cancelling. I’ll be there no matter what.” Riley gave her a wink then strolled away through the store. Grinning, he didn’t look back but imagined her eyes on his ass.


  Kaitlyn was nervous. She placed her hand over her stomach trying to calm down and took a deep breath. The grill was waiting for the steaks and the potatoes were ready to bake. Sadie was asleep so now all Kaitlyn needed was for her date to arrive. She shook her head. Riley wasn’t a date. What was he then? She couldn’t think of him as a date. It was just dinner. What were you thinking offering to make dinner? It would’ve been better to go to a restaurant with other people around but no, you had to invite him to dinner—in your apartment. What were you thinking?

  When the doorbell rang, it startled her. After taking another deep breath, she smoothed down her blouse and walked to the door. When she opened it, her heart slammed into her ribs. Good Lord, the man was so hot. His red T-shirt stretched tight across his muscled pecs and she could see every one of his six-pack abs. Her gaze roamed down over his jeans to his booted feet and back up, pausing on the fly. Kaitlyn had to bite her lip to keep the moan threatening to erupt at bay. The material was threadbare and cupped his sex far too invitingly. When her eyes lifted finally meeting his, she blushed. By the amused look in his eyes, he knew she’d been looking at his crotch.

  Kaitlyn suddenly noticed the flowers in his hand. “Flowers?”

  “Yes, these are flowers.” Riley grinned. “I know they’re not what you have at your shop but I saw them when I was driving over, and stopped to pick them.”

  Raising her eyes to his, Kaitlyn quickly looked down again. “You picked them?”

  “Was that wrong of me?”

  Blinking back tears, Kaitlyn shook her head. “No. It was very sweet of you. I’d rather have wildflowers than a dozen roses.” Taking them from him, she hurried to the kitchen to put them in water. Kaitlyn carried the vase containing them to the table and set it in the center. Never in a million years would she think Riley would stop to pick her wildflowers.

  “Are you hungry?” Backing toward the kitchen, she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off him or stop smiling.

  “Starving,” Riley murmured. “Where’s Sadie?”

  Feeling like a young girl on her first ever date, Kaitlyn blushed as she busied herself in the kitchen. “Asleep. Could you go to the patio and light the grill?” When he didn’t answer, she turned and found him standing in the doorway. He was staring at her. “Riley?”

  Two long strides of those long legs, and he was in front of her, so close she couldn’t breathe. “Katie…you’re so beautiful. You have no idea how much I want you.” He reached his hand out and took a few strands of her hair between his fingers. “It feels like silk.”

  Kaitlyn gazed up at him.

  “Riley…” she whispered as he lowered his head to press his lips to hers. Her eyes fluttered closed. Riley cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head back. His mouth moved over hers until she opened for him and his tongue entered her mouth. Kaitlyn moaned and her arms wrapped around his waist. Riley’s hands ran down her arms to her waist. He pulled her tightly against him and s
he could feel the bulge behind his fly. Hesitantly, she moved against him and heard him groan then he deepened the kiss.

  Pulling back from him, slower than she should have, she gazed up at him. “You’re here for dinner, Riley. Nothing else.”

  He stepped back from her. “You were right there with me, sweetheart.”

  Kaitlyn sighed. “I’m not denying I’m attracted to you but you’re not sticking around, and I’m not looking for another heartache.” She stared at him. “I’m looking for a good relationship for once.” When he finally nodded, she smiled. “Now, will you please light the grill?”

  “Yes.” He took the lighter from her, left the kitchen, and she heard the patio door slide open then close.

  Leaning back against the counter, she blew out a breath. Damn the man could kiss. Her lips were still tingling. It was all a dream come true for her. She’d wanted him forever. It felt like forever anyway. Even when she had dated Kevin, she’d thought of Riley. She’d been sure she’d get over her obsession with Riley when she married Kevin, but Riley was always in the back of her mind. Kevin hadn’t been a good husband, and he never had the chance to be a father. His daughter would never know him but—.

  “The grill’s ready when you are,” Riley spoke from behind her.

  Startled from her thoughts, Kaitlyn spun around. “Great. I’ll get the steaks. How do you like yours?”

  “Medium rare. Are you all right?”

  Nodding, Kaitlyn diverted her gaze and quickly took the steaks out to the grill. After loading them onto the heat, she set the platter down. The night air was still hot. Crickets chirped and thousands of stars filled the sky like diamonds on a black velvet cape. Kaitlyn wrapped her arms around herself and stared up at the sky.


  Standing in the doorway of the patio doors, Riley observed Kaitlyn. She hadn’t noticed him yet. He leaned against the doorjamb and folded his arms. She was gorgeous and didn’t even see it. That kiss had almost brought him to his knees. Her lips were soft and lush and he wanted another taste. Hell, he wanted to taste all of her—every delectable inch of her. Shit! His dick was getting hard. Taking a deep breath, he moved toward her.