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A Cowboy of Her Own Page 6
A Cowboy of Her Own Read online
Page 6
Suddenly, she reined to a stop, and it took a moment for him realize she was waiting on him.
“Why do you need a fire so early in the day?”
“Don’t really. I just want to get everything set up so I don’t have to worry about it in the dark. Once I get everything done, I can relax a little.”
“I thought maybe it was to keep the animals away.”
“That’s not always true. Noise keeps them away more than a campfire does. If a bear is hungry enough, a fire isn’t going to stop him.”
“Oh, thanks for that. You do know that people in sleeping bags are just soft tacos to a bear.”
Roark burst out laughing. “Where did you come up with that?”
Priscilla laughed. “Sadly, I didn’t. I saw it on a meme. Another reason to hate camping. Bears.”
“You forgot cougars, wolves, coyotes and oh yeah, snakes.”
“Keep it up, Roark, and you’ll be in that tent with me.”
“Is that an invitation, darlin’? I’d love to take you up on it.”
He couldn’t resist a grin when a blush stained her cheeks. That porcelain skin was a dead giveaway that she was embarrassed. His eyes went to that mole alongside her luscious lips, and he desperately wanted to kiss it. Damn! Now his dick was twitching, what with her wiggling around in that saddle and thinking about being in that tent with her tonight.
Roark gazed up at the sky and saw clouds rolling in. He smiled. It just might rain and then he’d have to sleep in the tent. Although, the last thing happening would be sleep if he had anything to say about it. She was a beautiful woman and that was his weakness. He admitted it freely. He loved them. Everything about a woman was a turn-on to him—their hair, their soft skin, their scent, and the way they tasted. And watching them have an orgasm.
Damn. Get your mind on the ride. Oh, yeah...the way they rode him too. Not that kind of ride, Callahan. Son of a bitch!
Christ, had it suddenly gotten hotter. Clouds might be moving in, but the sun still baked them in the open terrain. Sweat was already staining his shirt. He lifted his hat off his head and wiped his forehead with his sleeve-covered forearm. Looking to Priscilla, he saw sweat stains on her T-shirt too. Her hat shaded her face only a little. Now he wondered if the high pink she wore on her cheeks was from embarrassment or the heat.
“Do you have sunscreen on?” he asked, suddenly concerned.
“Yes. I always have to use it if I’m going to be out. I’m so fair-skimmed. I burn like a lobster.”
“Well, we can’t have that. Let’s get moving. A dip in the pond sounds good right about now.”
“I’m first.”
“No reason why we can’t share.” Roark did enjoy baiting her.
She nudged her horse. “In your dreams, Callahan.”
Roark laughed as she rode off. Sweet dreams indeed.
Chapter Five
Priscilla maneuvered her horse to the other side of the cattle, managing to get them to move. Meanwhile, her thoughts were on his teasing flirtations about joining her in the tent, sharing a dip in the pond, and she wondered if he knew she’d welcome him into the pond with her, would he join her? She smiled at the thought. Maybe she’d invite him in once she was in there.
She turned her eyes to the sky. Damn, it was hot. The sun had come out from behind some clouds and now it beat down on her face and shoulders. Sweat trickled between her breasts, down her back, and beaded on her arms. She was looking forward to the pond.
Her damn ass was aching though, and she worried it would never be the same. When she’d told Roark she could ride, she hadn’t meant on an all day trip. It had been a while since she’d been in a saddle, and this one was quickly wearing thin. The sun slipped behind another cloud and she let out a relieved breath as it hid for a few minutes. Pushing her hat back, she swiped at her forehead then pulled the hat on down low. She was glad Roark had given her a hat to wear because she hadn’t one to shade her head. A sudden unfriendly thought made her frown, and when she looked over to Roark riding on the other side of the cattle he was looking at her.
“What?” he asked her.
“Whose hat is this that I’m wearing?”
A grin lit up his face. “It belongs to my mother, so don’t throw it in the fire.”
“Why would I do that?”
“I figure you’re thinking it belonged to another woman—other than my mom.”
“I just wondered.”
“Uh, huh.”
She turned away from that handsome face to concentrate on the cattle. Damn man. He was right, she was thinking it belonged to another woman but she certainly never thought of it belonging to his mother. If it had belonged to another woman, other than his mother, she’d have tossed it down so the cows could step on it or worse. Maybe cover it with a cow patty.
Priscilla giggled then glanced over toward Roark to see him riding ahead to get a stray cow. The man certainly could sit a horse. He didn’t even bounce in the saddle. She’d been riding for ten years and now wondered if she’d ever be that good. She stretched her legs lifting herself up away from the saddle. Hell! Her ass hurt!
Her eyes stayed on Roark as he herded the cow back to the herd. She noticed then how the higher they rode, the cooler the air got. It was a wonderful reprieve from the heat.
“Will it get cold at night?”
“Not cold, but much cooler since we’re closer to the mountains. It will feel good.”
Priscilla was happy to hear that. The heat had been staggering all day. She reined her horse to a stop when she saw a large animal out of the corner of her eye. Her horse neighed and Priscilla knew she saw the elk too.
“Roark,” she said in a low voice.
“Ride on. They can be very aggressive but she doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of charging. The best thing to do is keep moving.” He whistled for Snowy and she was sure it was to keep the dog from running at the elk.
Priscilla blew out a nervous breath and nudged her horse on. After a few feet, she glanced back over her shoulder to see the elk grazing and not paying attention to anything other than eating. Thank God, it hadn’t been a bear.
“What kind of bears are up here?” When he didn’t answer, she looked over to him. She could tell he didn’t want to answer. “Roark?”
He looked at her and she saw him huff. “Grizzly and black bear.”
“What?” she exclaimed. Oh, dear God! Grizzly. She felt sick.
“You’ll be fine. I have my rifle and pistol, if we need them. I’ve camped up here many times and never came across either.”
“First time for everything,” she muttered.
An hour later, Roark signaled for them to stop and then dismounted, but she stayed on her horse.
“Are you able to get down all right or do you need my help?”
“I’m afraid to move. My ass hurts so much.”
Roark laughed as he walked to her. “Come on. I’ll help you.”
Taking a deep breath, she swung her leg over and tried to step down but it hurt to move. When her leg hit the ground, it didn’t want to hold her. Roark’s arms came around her waist to steady her but the extra support didn’t help, she tumbled backwards and both of them fell to the ground. Luckily, for her anyway, she fell backward on top of him. She heard the wind whoosh out of him when they hit the hard ground. Snowy jumped around them in excitement, barking.
“Are you all right?” she asked him, trying desperately not to laugh.
“You’re heavier than you look,” he wheezed out.
She elbowed him and when he grunted, she smiled.
“That is not something you say to a woman.”
Roark chuckled. “Hell, I know. It just slipped out. You’re in great shape. It’s just when you fell against me, you were dead weight.”
“Good save.” She laughed.
“Now, could you get off me? I’d like to see if you damaged anything.”
She wiggled her butt against him. “It doesn’t feel like it.”
/> “Keep that up and we’ll just stay right here, sprawled on the ground...out in the open...where bears can see us.” She scrambled off him at the thought of bears coming near, and heard him laugh.
“Ouch! That hurt.” She brushed off the dust taking the opportunity to rub her butt.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have rubbed your sore ass against my crotch.” Roark got himself up brushing off excess dust.
Priscilla laughed. “You said you’d massage it.”
Roark stared at her for a long moment then shook his head. “Help me unpack then I’ll set the tent up. After that, I’ll take you to the pond.”
She nodded and helped him unpack the horse and set things up. However, when he set the tent up, she only watched because she knew it was better not to try to help at something she had no idea how to do. It was a small tent—perhaps only big enough for two people, if that. Close quarters for sure.
Priscilla sat on a log and watched the man work. When he shrugged out of his shirt, she almost slid off the log. Her legs went soft, and her insides fluttered like a kaleidoscope of butterflies had taken up residence there. The sweat covering him made his chest gleam. She watched him wipe his chest with his shirt then toss it to the ground before continuing to work on setting up the tent. When he crawled inside it, she was tempted to follow him in but when she stood to do so, he came back out. When Roark glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow, she quickly sat back down on the log.
“Were you going somewhere?” he asked her glancing around.
“Uh, no, I just wondered if you needed help,” she muttered.
“Really? When I am almost finished, you decide to see if I need help?” He grinned at her and the reaction made those butterflies fly around her insides again.
Standing, she moved to the tent and rubbed the material between her fingers.
“A bear could rip this open with one swipe,” she murmured.
“You seriously need to stop thinking about bears.”
“Easy for you to say.” She walked past him to return to her seat on the log. As she passed him, she caught a whiff of his scent—all sweat, aftershave, and man. He was so damn gorgeous she suspected that beautiful smile probably talked many women out of their panties. She wanted to toss him down on the open ground, and ride him until neither could move.
“Why do they call you—outlaw?” she asked as she sat back down.
“Because I steal women’s hearts.”
“Seriously?” She stood, her hands going to her hips.
“Nah,” Roark said with a chuckle. “It all started when I was a rookie at bull riding. I was up last and everyone thought the reigning champion had it won, but I beat him by three points. He told the press that I rode in like an outlaw and stole it from him.” He shrugged. “It stuck.”
Nodding, she stared at him and thought the first reason was entirely possible. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t want Roark Callahan? He was everything she loved in a man—tall, dark hair, beautiful light colored eyes, and his body was to die for enticing. The only thing wrong with him—he was a cowboy. She hadn’t been lying when she told Roy she wasn’t into them. They had never appealed to her and now looking at Roark, she knew he could very likely change her mind. Oh, she was sure he’d stolen a lot hearts. He had heartbreaker written all over him.
“Do you want to eat before I take you to the pond or go there now?”
“The pond for me. I’m so hot and sweaty.”
“I am too, so sounds good to me. Pond it is.”
Oh, yeah...he was hot, and sweaty, and she wanted to lick the salty taste from his skin. Every inch of him. As she stood there staring at him, he raised his eyebrows as if in expectation. She internally rolled her eyes and hoped she hadn’t been drooling.
“I need to get my soap and a change of clothes then you can show me where it’s at.”
“I’ll be going with you to make sure no animals come around,” he said as he walked to his duffle bag then squatted down beside it. She watched him as he unzipped it, reached in, then pulled out soap, and clean clothes. When he stood, he looked at her a moment then nodded for her to get her stuff.
“Oh, okay...right. I’ll just be a second.” Priscilla moved to the tent and crawled inside to find her duffle bag. He’d tossed it inside after erecting the tent. Now, she dug through the bag and retrieved soap, panties, socks, lounge pants, and a T-shirt. Crawling back out, she looked around for him and saw him leaning against a tree with his back to her. Hell, even the backside on this man was sexy. Those jeans really hugged his ass. He could be an advertisement for the brand. She wanted to sink her teeth into that ass.
After standing, Priscilla slowly walked to where he stood. When she stepped on a twig making it snap, he spun around. Their eyes met and held. Taking a deep breath, she dropped her gaze from his to the ground and continued to where he stood.
“Ready?” he asked her.
“Yes. I can’t wait to get in and cool off.” She picked up her pace as she hoped the water was cold.
“Wait. Watch your––” Roark’s wasted warning was interrupted when she took a nosedive into the tall grass. “Step,” he said and she could hear the laughter in his voice even as he wrapped his hand around her arm and helped her up.
“I got a little overanxious,” she said, giving him a sheepish grin.
“Ya think?” He grinned with a chuckle. “Good thing your parents didn’t name you Grace. Come on, I’ll show the way.”
Priscilla followed him through the woods then gasped when he came to a stop and she peered around him. It was a beautiful spot, with tall pine trees standing on one side like sentries while the sun beat down on the pond making the water sparkle. Large boulders sat along the bank where she stood giving the place a feeling of security.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, I love coming here.” They both looked behind him when they heard the grass rustling only to see Snowy running toward them. “Hey boy, where were you? I hope not causing trouble somewhere.”
“Uh, where can I change?” she asked as she rubbed Snowy’s ears.
“Change? You mean take your clothes off?”
“Well, I’m not getting naked in front of you, Roark. I don’t know you.”
“You know that makes no sense at all. You don’t know me...yet here you are, alone in the woods with me. I could be a rapist for all you know.”
Priscilla laughed. “Don’t let this go to your head but you wouldn’t need to rape a woman.”
“No man should need to rape a woman. Any who do are scum of the earth in my book. Okay, go over there behind those bushes, and I’ll turn my back. You can run and jump in when you’re ready. There are no big rocks so you’ll be fine. Once you’re in, I’ll come in too.”
“Okay.” She walked behind the bushes and peeled off her jeans then her T-shirt, all the while peering over the bush to see Roark with his back still turned. There was no way, no way at all, she would take her bra and panties off too. Taking a deep breath, she called out to him. “Okay, I’m coming out. Please don’t turn around.”
“I won’t. I promise. Come on, I’d like to get in there sometime before tonight.”
“Okay, here goes,” she muttered then ran out, jumped into the pond and came up squealing. “It’s freezing!”
She’d thought about needing a cold shower and now she got one.
“Just a tad, I suppose. A spring runs through it.”
Priscilla turned to watch him sit on the bank and pull his boots off then his socks. He stood, his gaze meeting hers, then unsnapped his jeans and lowered the zipper. When he started to shove them down past his hips, she quickly spun around.
“Chicken,” he taunted with a laugh.
“You could be more than I can handle, Roark Callahan.”
“Only one way to find out, darlin’,” he said from somewhere behind her then she heard a splash, and knew he was in the pond with her.
Oh, this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. She screame
d when something brushed against her leg and Roark came up from under the water in front of her.
“Don’t scare me like that,” she scolded splashing some water at him.
Roark laughed and shook his head to dispel the excess water from his hair. “You are jumpy as hell and frankly, I’m surprised. You don’t seem like the type.”
“I’m not, but I’m wondering what the hell I’m thinking by being here with you alone. I don’t know you from Adam and I’m in here almost naked.”
“I couldn’t bring myself to remove my bra and panties. I’m sure you have your—” She stopped talking when he shook his head. Then she swallowed before continuing. “You’re...naked?”
“As the day I was born, sweetheart. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
Mentally groaning, she refused to look down even though she didn’t think she’d be able to see anything through the water anyway. Or could she? She turned to look toward the shore.
“Blast, I left my soap with my clothes,” she mumbled.
“Go get it,” he said with a big grin.
“If you were any kind of gentlemen, you’d offer to go get it for me.”
“Darlin’, I am no gentlemen but for you, I’ll turn my back.”
“Never mind, I’ll just use yours. Where is it anyway?”
“On the bank.” He chuckled.
“Oooh!” She splashed water at him making him laugh.
“All right, I’ll get it.” He swam away from her and she watched him start to walk out of the pond but then he glanced over his shoulder. She quickly turned around and heard him laugh. “You don’t have to turn around. Like I said, I’ve got nothing to hide.”
Priscilla turned to watch him walk up on the bank. Damn. The man hadn’t lied. He definitely had nothing to hide, at least not from the back. Clenching her hands into fists, she bit her lip as she watched him stride to her clothes and pick up the soap. She really wanted to bite that ass. She quickly spun around when he turned to face her then she heard a splash. She could hear him swimming up behind her then he held his hand out over her shoulder with her soap in his palm. Turning, she looked up into his beautiful eyes. His gaze dropped to her lips and she impulsively ran her tongue along her bottom lip. His eyes shot up to hers. At that moment, all she could think was that if he didn’t kiss her, she’d drown him. Plain and simple.